Compliance Networking Event und Apéro am 13. Juni in Zürich.

Zusammen mit unserem Partner LSEG laden wir Sie herzlich zum „Corporate Compliance Forum – Best Practice Exchange“ in die Schweiz ein.

Ein Nachmittag aus der Praxis für die Praxis
Expert:innen von Unternehmen wie Hitachi Energy, Novartis, MAN Energy Solutions und Experten-Organisationen (ECS, Basel Institute on Governance u.a.) erörtern aktuelle Themen (Veranstaltungssprache ist Englisch):

Meeting the Challenges of Evolving Supply Chain Due Diligence Regulations

  • What actions should companies undertake to ensure they don’t run afoul of these laws?
  • What are some of the best practices they can implement?
  • What challenges are to be avoided?

The Opportunities and Risks of AI in Corporate Compliance

  • What are some of the challenges companies need to be aware of?
  • How should companies approach the dual-edged sword of AI in compliance?
  • What areas may be more ripe for AI-enablement than others? How to measure the effectiveness of compliance programs?

ESG: Advancing Environmental Sustainability in the Supply Chain

  • How should companies incorporate sustainability metrics into supply chain due diligence processes?
  • How can they promote circular economy practices to minimize the environmental footprint of supply chains and enhance resource efficiency?
  • What do companies need to do to remain complaint with emerging sustainability regulations globally?

Jetzt anmelden:

Corporate Compliance Forum – Best Practice Exchange
Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2024, 14:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Hotel AMERON Bellerive au Lac, Utoquai 47, Zürich
Anmeldung: per E-Mail direkt an unseren Kollegen Peter Thomas oder online.

Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei für Corporates. Die Plätze sind begrenzt.

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